Variable-Pitch differential Probes

2 weeks from Japan

contact us for more information

function probe
Product code FCP-VPDF

This product is sold in units of one piece.

Please note that if space is left in a gap between a pair of probes, it may not be possible to obtain the appropriate characteristics. Always insert a shim or a metal body.

Use and Features

  • Conventional differential probes make measurements via a balun. This means the characteristics obtained by the measurement are significantly affected by the balun used.
  • Since this product makes measurements with two single-ended pieces, it highlights the intrinsic characteristics of each circuit board (pattern), unaffected by the balun.
  • The pitch of this product can be varied from 0.2 mm up to 2 mm for use with a wide range of applications.
  • This product is designed to create pitches using a shim, eliminating the need for delicate adjustments maintaining the pitch during use. (Shims for 0.3, 04, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, and 1.15 pitches are included with the package.)
  • This product does not have a contactor to GND.

Measurement method

Example of characteristics of 【FPC-VPDF】before calibration

Example of characteristics of after calibration with【FPC-VPDF】

Example of characteristics of 【FPC-VPDF】before calibration

Example of characteristics of after calibration with【FPC-VPDF】

Price List


Product code.

Package unit Price
(depends on quantity in one order received), units in US $
1 package 2 – 4
Over 5
Variable-Pitch Differential Probes FCP-VPDF 1 pc. 3,889 3,778 3,723
For pitch shims FCP-VPDF-SM-[Pitch]※ 2 in pairs 500 495 489
  • In [pitch], specify the pitches needed.(Example: Write 2.0 for a 2-mm pitch.)
  • Special shims used for producing pitches other those included with the package will be made to order.
    Write down the necessary pitches and the number of shims you need on an order form and send by e-mail.
  • Bulk discount is given at the time of order.
  • This catalog is intended for use by business corporations or entities. The prices indicated are not total amounts. Separate consumption tax will apply.

Calibration Adapters for Variable-Pitch Differential Probes

2 weeks from Japan

Contact us for more information

Function probe
Product code FCP-DFCA

Dimension diagram

Product Overview

While placing the tips of variable-pitch differential probes onto this product, use the measuring instrument’s S-parameter auto calibration feature (fixture simulator). This allows the probe tips to become the calibration plane.
(Shims for 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8 and 1.15 pitches are included with the package.)

Price List

Product Product code. Packing unit Price (depends on quantity in one order received), units in US $
1package 2 – 4 package Over 5
Calibration Adapters for Variable-Pitch Differential Probes FCP-DFCA 1 pc. 2,223 2,167 2,112
For pitch shims FCP-DFCA-SM-[Pitch]※ 1Sheet 334 328 323
  • In [pitch], specify the pitches needed. (Example: Write 2.0 for a 2-mm pitch.)
  • Special shims used for producing pitches other those included with the package will be made to order. Write down the necessary pitches and the number of shims you need on an order form and send by e-mail.
  • Bulk discount is given at the time of order.
  • This catalog is intended for use by business corporations or entities. The prices indicated are not total amounts. Separate consumption tax will apply.