CCSE-025S Series/CCJF-025M Series

Range of available pin number 17〜79 pins
Ships from Japan in 4 days after approval

Flex(FPC) Cable Wiring Type
Product code CCSE-025S-pin number 17〜40
Width CCSE Base
Product code CCJF-025M-pin number 41〜79
Width CCJF Base

This picture is CCSE series.
Please note that the product number varies depending on the specified number of pins.

Flat Ribbon Cable Connector Type
Product code CCSE-025S-pin number 17〜40-FRC
Width CCSE Base
Product code CCJF-025M-pin number 41〜79-FRC
Width CCJF Base

This picture is CCJF series.
Please note that the product number varies depending on the specified number of pins.

Distance from stopper to tip of guide : 8.6mm

Dimension diagram for matching FPC/FFC terminal

Dimension of conforming FPC/FFC terminal CCSE 025S

Dimension of conforming FPC/FFC terminal CCJF 025M

Click on the picture to expand it

Wring method

Discrete Connector
Wired by
FRC Mounting
Mounted by
× ×

※We will provide drawings of the pin numbers of both model CCSE-025S-pin number (FRC) and CCJF-025M-pin number (FRC).

Product Overview

  • Clip connector compatible with 0.25-mm pitch flexible printed circuits.
  • Uses the compact Just Fit Series body for layout versatility.
  • The width is machined to suit the number of pins, thereby minimizing wasted body size and ensuring efficient installation.

Items included in this product set

  • Clip connector main body
  • Flex(FPC) cable holding board (for rear surface)
  • * The Flex(FPC) cable holding board (for front surface) is fitted to the mainbody before delivery.
  • Outsert nuts are provided in mounting holes of units and the like to simplify mounting, repeated mounting, and dismounting.
  • M2.6 mounting screws had been used conventionally, but M2 screws will be used after the change.


Unit price
(varies with quantity per single order)
[US $]
cost for FRC
1 unit 2 to 9 units 10 to 24 units 25 to 49 units 50 to 99 units
17 320 317 312 304 296 19mm CCSE Base +26
18 324 320 315 307 300
19 328 324 319 312 304
20 332 328 323 315 307
21 336 332 327 319 312
22 345 340 336 328 320
23 354 349 345 337 329
24 363 358 354 346 338
25 373 369 364 356 348
26 382 378 373 365 357
27 390 387 382 374 366
28 399 396 390 383 375
29 408 405 399 392 384
30 417 414 408 400 394
31 428 424 419 412 404
32 434 430 425 417 409
33 440 437 432 424 416 +30
34 447 443 438 430 423
35 454 449 445 437 429
36 459 456 450 443 435
37 466 463 457 449 442
38 473 468 464 456 448
39 480 476 472 464 456
40 486 483 477 470 463
41 493 489 484 476 468 24mm CCJF Base +39
42 499 496 490 483 475
43 506 502 497 489 482
44 512 508 503 496 488
45 518 515 509 502 494
46 525 522 516 508 500
47 533 528 524 516 508
48 539 535 530 523 515
49 545 542 536 528 522
50 552 548 543 535 527
51 557 553 548 540 533
52 562 558 553 545 537
53 567 563 558 550 543
54 573 568 563 556 548
55 577 574 568 560 553
56 584 579 575 567 559
57 588 585 579 573 565
58 594 590 585 577 569
59 599 595 590 583 575
60 604 600 595 587 579
61 609 605 600 593 585 +62
62 614 610 605 598 590
63 619 616 610 603 595
64 625 620 616 608 600
65 629 626 620 613 605
66 636 633 627 619 612
67 642 637 633 625 617
68 646 643 637 629 622
69 652 647 643 635 627
70 656 653 647 639 633
71 662 658 653 645 637
72 665 662 656 649 642
73 670 667 662 654 646
74 675 670 665 658 650
75 679 676 670 663 655
76 685 680 676 668 660
77 689 686 680 673 665
78 694 689 685 677 669
79 698 695 689 682 675
  • Volume discounts are available, based on the quantitypurchased per order.
  • Please note that delivery times are longer for orders of 10 units or more.
  • Same price for all circuit board types
  • Contact probes and guides (manufactured to suit the specified number of pins) are available as repair parts.
    For more information.>>here