yokowo DS

Privacy Policy

Privacy policy

Under the principle of respecting the personalities of individuals, Yokowo Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Our Company”) recognizes that such information as can identify a particular individual (hereinafter referred to as the “Personal Information”) should be handled cautiously, and considers that appropriate handling and protection of the Personal Information is our critical responsibility. Our Company will promote the protection of the Personal Information in accordance with the following policies:

  1. When acquiring Personal Information of a person, Our Company shall specify the purposes for which it will be used and notify to the person or publicly announce it, and acquire it through legal and fair means.
  2. Except as otherwise provided by law, Our Company will use the obtained Personal Information to the extent required to achieve the announced purposes of use.We use the collected personal information for the following purpose.
    1. To Supply our products and services
    2. To Provide information about our products and/or services
    3. To Respond to requests from our customers
    4. To Develop our products and To Improve the quality of products and/or services
    5. Questionnaire surveys
  3. Our Company will endeavor to maintain the Personal Information accurate and up-to-date within the scope of our intended use and will take reasonable measures needed to prevent unauthorized access, loss, leakage, or falsification of Personal Information.
  4. When subcontracting the handling of Personal Information, Our Company will select a subcontractor with a sufficient level of safety control and conduct the necessary and appropriate supervision by such means as concluding a contract with the subcontractor which includes the measures to protect Personal Information.
  5. Except as otherwise provided by law, Our Company will not disclose or provide Personal Information to any third party without the consent of the person.
  6. Our Company may share the following items in our Personal Information with our group companies listed on our official website within the scope of the purposes of use Our Company have publicly announced.
    1. Personal Information of joint use
      Name, address, date of birth, telephone number, e-mail address, place of work, department, position, and information on business transactions with us
    2. Chief administrator for joint use
      Yokowo Co., Ltd.
  7. Our Company collect IP addresses to manage official websites and the websites which are set up by our divisions (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Our website”). Our Company collect IP addresses solely for the purpose of properly managing and operating Our website and will not use IP addresses in conjunction with Personal Information.
  8. Our Company use Cookie in Our website to provide appropriate and comfortable services to our customers. The use of cookies will not infringe on your privacy. Customers may refuse to accept cookies either in a lump or separately and may indicate this when the cookies are sent by setting up a web browser.
  9. The advertising of YOKOWO’s website will be posted by third-party distribution companies including Google.The user can disable (opt out) the cookie function in the browser preference, however, you may not be able to use all or part of the services on the YOKOWO’s website.Please refer to each company’s service description page about how Google will treat the personal information which you provided.Google Remarketing Privacy Policy, please click here
  10. The Our website may include links to external websites (hereinafter referred to as “External website”). Please note that when using the External website, the privacy policy of the relevant External website applies and that Our Company are not responsible for the handling of the Personal Information thereof.
  11. Our Company will respond promptly and appropriately to inquiries from a person, requests to disclose Personal Information in our possession, requests to correct or delete any errors, and other requests, after confirming that such requests have been submitted by the person.
  12. With regard to the handling of Personal Information, Our Company shall comply with all laws and regulations applicable to the protection of the Personal Information and Our Company shall endeavor to continuously develop and improve our internal systems through educational and other means so that all officers, employees and others understand the importance of protecting the Personal Information and properly handle the Personal Information.

In addition, users in the European Union should refer to the “Privacy Policy on GDPR”, which was formulated in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation of European Union (GDPR).

Inquiries about Privacy Policy
For inquiries regarding the handling of Personal Information protections in Our Company, please contact the following.

Contact point for inquiries
Human Resources & General Affairs Department in charge of personal information protection
(TEL: +81-3-3916-3141)

Privacy Policy on GDPR

Yokowo Co., Ltd. endeavors to protect the personal data of users of our official website (hereinafter referred to as “Our website”). In addition to our Privacy Policy, this policy sets out our policy regarding, inter alia, the General Data Protection Regulation of European Union. Please confirm this policy well in advance of using the Our website.

  1. Definitions
    Terms used in this policy are defined as follows:
    1. “Applicable Privacy Laws” shall mean the General Data Protection Regulations of EU (GDPR), the Data Protection Act of the United Kingdom, and Japanese act on the Protection of Personal Information.
    2. “EU” means the European Union including member state of the European Union and Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the Agreement on the European Economic Area.
    3. “Controller” means any natural or legal person, governmental authority, agency, or other person who, individually or jointly with others, determines the purposes and methods of the Processing of the Personal data and, in this policy, Our Company.
    4. “Personal data” means information for the Data subject. “Identifiable natural person” means a person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to identifiers, such as a name, an identification number, location data or online identifiers, or by reference to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.
    5. “Data subject” means the Processing, identification or Distinctive natural person of the Personal data by the Controller and, in this policy, primarily you.
    6. “Processor” means a natural or legal person, public authority, department or other body that processes Personal data on behalf of the Controller.
    7. “Recipient” means a natural or legal person, public agency, department or other body, to which Personal data is disclosed, whether a Third party or not. However, a public authority that may receive Personal data in the framework of a particular inquiry in accordance with EU law or the domestic law of a member state of EU shall not be regarded as Recipient.
    8. “Third party” means a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or body other than the Data subject, Controller, Processor and persons who, under the direct authority of the controller or processor, are authorized to process Personal data;
    9. “Processing restriction” means the marking of stored Personal data with the aim of limiting their Processing in the future.
    10. “Processing” means any operation or set of operations which is performed on Personal data or on sets of Personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.
    11. “Consent” of the Data subject means any freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of the Data subject’s wishes by which he or she, by a statement or by a clear affirmative action, signifies agreement to the Processing of Personal data relating to him or her.
  2. Objectives for the Processing of Personal data
    1. Processing objectives
      1. Our Company Process the Personal data only for the following purposes:Provision of services such as maintenance, inspection, and repair of products in our businesses
      2. Introduction of our products and services
      3. Notification of changes in our policies and regulations
      4. Responding to various inquiries
      5. Managing the accounts of customers
      6. Data-analysis and optimization in the use of Our website by customers
      7. Monitoring of fraud and illegal acts
      8. Compliance with legal obligations
    2. Objectives for the Processing of Personal data
      Source of Personal data
      Our Company acquire Personal data from the following sources for the purposes of the Processing in (1) above.
      1. Acquired directly from the Data subject (Personal data entered in the inquiry form or questionnaires conducted by the customer)
      2. Obtained indirectly from Data subject (IP addresses, domain names, browse versions, operating systems and others obtained when customers browse the Our website)
      3. Public information (information on the internet)
    3. Type of Personal data to be acquired
      1. Personal attributes (name, address, telephone number, e-mail address)
      2. Purchase history of individuals related to our products and services
      3. Recruitment information (resumes, recommendations, etc.)
    4. Provision with a Third party and sharing of Personal data
      Our Company may need to share the Personal data with the following Third party for the purposes of the Processing in (1) above. If this is necessary, Our Company will comply with applicable privacy laws.
      1. Group companies
      2. Lawyers, tax accountants, certified public accountants and other experts
      3. Our current, past and future executives and employees
  3. Legal basis for the Processing of the Personal data
    The legal basis for the Processing is as follows.
    1. The Data subject gives a consent for Processing of Personal data for one or more particular purposes. In this event, however, Data subject reserves the right to revoke this consent.
    2. Where Processing is required for the performance of the contract to which the Data subject is a party or where Processing is required for the performance of the proceedings in response to a request for Data subject prior to the conclusion of the contract.
    3. When Processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which the Controller is subject.
    4. When Processing is required to protect the important interests of Data subject or other natural persons.
    5. When Processing is required in the performance of duties performed for the public interest or for the exercise of official authority vested in the Controller.
    6. When Processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the Controller or by a Third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the Data subject which require protection of Personal data, in particular where the data subject is a child.
  4. Right of Data subject

    Under applicable privacy laws, including GDPR, a Data subject has the following rights: If you have any questions regarding these rights, please contact Our Company using the Inquiry Form. In addition, if you are dissatisfied with our response to your request or with the Processing methods for Personal data, you can file a complaint with the data protection supervisory authority.
    1. Right to seek clarifications about our use of the Personal data
    2. Right to seek copies of the Personal data you provide to Our Company
    3. Right to demand correction of incorrect Personal data held by Our Company
    4. Right to demand that any Personal data relating to him or her be eraised without delay if the legal grounds for its use have ceased to exist
    5. Right to seek restrictions on Personal data during the time complaints are being investigated
    6. Right to seek notice to the Recipient of any Personal data relating to the correction, deletion or Processing restriction of the Personal data in the cases of paragraphs 4.3 to 4.5 above.
    7. The right to receive the Personal data pertaining to him or her in a structured, generally used, machine-readable form and the right to transfer such data to another Controller without prejudice to the Controller in which the Personal data was provided
    8. The right to contest the Processing of his Personal data on the basis of the need for Processing for purposes of legitimate interests pursued by the Controller or Third party
  5. Security control measures
    As a Controller, Our Company are taking adequate technical and systematic measures to protect the Personal data. If the Data subject is anxious about the way how to transfer certain data and other treatment, Our Company will take adequate alternative measures.
  6. Cross-border data transfer

    Our Company may relocate the Personal data of Data subject from offices (branch offices, resident missions, local corporations, etc.) located in the EU region to sales branches in Japan or overseas offices of our groups. The Personal data of the Data subject to be transferred includes your Personal data and the employees of the business units in the EU region.
    The transfer of Personal data to Japan is subject to the adequacy decision of cross-border transfers obtained by Japan or to the standard contractual provisions that Our Company have already entered into. The transfer of Personal data to a third country other than Japan or EU (excluding countries and regions that have obtained adequacy decision) is made through the conclusion of Standard Contractual Clauses.
  7. Storage term of Personal data

    The retention period of the Personal data shall be the legal retention period of the respective EU member states and Japan, and the Personal data shall be removed promptly and safely after the legal retention period unless otherwise required in relation to the contractual or other Processing purposes.
  8. Cookie

    n Our website, cookies are used. Cookie is a text file that is stored on a computer system via the internet browsers. Cookies can identify individual browsers and servers used by Data subject from other internet browsers including other cookies.
    By using cookies, Our Company can optimize Our website information and advertising with users in mind and provide more comfortable services to you. By using cookies, you do not need to enter access data each time you access Our website.
    You can prevent the use of cookies in the Our website at any time by setting up your internet browsers for use, and can delete those already set. However, if you invalidate any cookies on your Internet browsers, you may not be able to use all of the Our website features.
  9. Changes to this policy

    This policy was established on Nov 18th, 2019. Our Company may change this policy in accordance with laws and regulations or at our discretion. However, Our Company will not use the Personal data in any new way without the Consent of the Data subject.
  10. Contact points for inquiries
    For inquiries regarding the handling of Personal data by Our Company, please contact the following.
    Our Personnel & General Affairs Department in charge of personal information protection
    (TEL: +81-3-3916-3141)